Two Hot Takes' Morgan Absher Dishes About Her Podcast, Mental Health, Wild Reddit Stories, And More

I want to talk to you about the "Two Hot Takes" podcast, but I also want to talk to you about how you got to this point — this huge cult following that you now have in just over a year. Can you tell us about the pod, and then we will go back through your journey?

A day in the life ... These days, it's a lot of editing. I have "Two Hot Takes" and another podcast that we've started now, but I'm doing all of the editing. I wake up, and I love to go walk across the street from my house and go get my coffee, see some sunshine and see the light of the day for a little bit. Then, I will come back and I will start editing. It's a pretty extensive process, editing the episode, and then I break down the content into many different formats. Then the TikToks and the captioning is a whole other thing. Something I always wanted to do was make my videos and stuff as accessible as possible — that's the [occupational therapist] in me — so I have a lot of extra steps to do that, but [it's] lots of editing. Also, I'm trying to get back into Pilates and get a class in here or there, but that's about it.

I feel like we're so hardwired to try to get through the checklist every day. It's a lot having to balance so many components and different areas of content.

Yeah — and with my brain, lately, I feel like a little goldfish sometimes. I'm like, "My memory is so bad." I woke up today and I was like, "Okay, I have an interview and then I have to write for USA Today. Then my episode's due tomorrow, so I need to edit." It's constantly something, even though I feel like my day-to-day is the same. There's always something popping up that's a little different to throw me for a loop.

How do you keep track of everything?

I have a ginormous calendar now. It usually helps. But it's massive. It doesn't even fit in a backpack so I have to fold it, but it's colorful and I can see everything in front of me, and most of the time I don't forget things, which is great.

You're a writing-down kind of gal.

Yes. If it's on the phone, I know some people can use their phones. If I can't see it in front of me, it's gone — it doesn't exist.

There's something so satisfying about crossing things off the to-do list. At least, I write everything down as well — otherwise, who knows? Everything would fall through the cracks.

I'm with you. Same.
