Uncovering The Secrets Behind His Success And Wisdom

Jay Shetty Biography, Age, Career, Wife, Book, and Children

Jay Shetty is a British author, former monk, and life coach. He is known for his motivational speeches and his book, "Think Like a Monk." Shetty was born in London, England, in 1987. He studied at Cass Business School in London and worked as a corporate consultant before becoming a monk. In 2015, he left the monastery and began working as a life coach. Shetty has since become a popular motivational speaker and has appeared on shows such as "The TODAY Show" and "The Ellen DeGeneres Show." He has also written several books, including "Think Like a Monk" and "Purpose: Find Your Truth and Live a Life of Meaning." Shetty is married to Radhi Devlukia-Shetty, and they have two children.

Shetty's work has been praised for its simplicity and practicality. He teaches people how to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives by focusing on the present moment and letting go of the past. Shetty's work has helped millions of people around the world, and he continues to be a source of inspiration and guidance.

Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty is a British author, former monk, and life coach. He is known for his motivational speeches and his book, "Think Like a Monk." Here are 9 key aspects of his life and work:

  • Age: 35
  • Career: Author, speaker, life coach
  • Wife: Radhi Devlukia-Shetty
  • Book: "Think Like a Monk"
  • Children: Two
  • Birthplace: London, England
  • Education: Cass Business School, London
  • Former Occupation: Corporate consultant
  • Years as a Monk: 3

Shetty's work has been praised for its simplicity and practicality. He teaches people how to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives by focusing on the present moment and letting go of the past. Shetty's work has helped millions of people around the world, and he continues to be a source of inspiration and guidance.

One of the key aspects of Shetty's work is his emphasis on mindfulness. He teaches people how to be more aware of their thoughts and feelings, and to live in the present moment. This can help people to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and to live more fulfilling lives.

Another key aspect of Shetty's work is his focus on purpose. He teaches people how to find their purpose in life, and to live in alignment with their values. This can help people to feel more motivated and fulfilled, and to make a positive impact on the world.


Jay Shetty's age of 35 is a significant aspect of his life and career. At this age, he has achieved a great deal of success as an author, speaker, and life coach. He has also gained a wealth of wisdom and experience that he shares with his audience.

  • Facet 1: Maturity and Experience

    At 35, Shetty has had the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the human condition. He has experienced both the joys and sorrows of life, and he has learned from his mistakes. This maturity and experience make him a credible and relatable guide for others.

  • Facet 2: Energy and Drive

    At 35, Shetty is still young enough to have the energy and drive to pursue his passions. He is constantly learning and growing, and he is always looking for new ways to help others. This energy and drive are essential to his success as a life coach and speaker.

  • Facet 3: Perspective and Wisdom

    At 35, Shetty has had the opportunity to develop a unique perspective on life. He has seen the world from many different angles, and he has learned to appreciate the beauty and complexity of human existence. This perspective and wisdom make him a valuable resource for others who are seeking guidance and inspiration.

  • Facet 4: Influence and Impact

    At 35, Shetty is at a point in his life where he can have a significant impact on the world. He has a large following of people who look to him for guidance and inspiration. He is using his platform to spread messages of love, compassion, and mindfulness. This influence and impact is likely to continue to grow in the years to come.

Overall, Jay Shetty's age of 35 is a significant factor in his life and career. It has given him the maturity, experience, energy, drive, perspective, wisdom, influence, and impact to make a positive difference in the world.


Jay Shetty's career as an author, speaker, and life coach is a central aspect of his life and work. It is through these roles that he shares his message of love, compassion, and mindfulness with the world.

  • Facet 1: Author

    As an author, Shetty has written several books, including the bestseller "Think Like a Monk." His books offer practical advice on how to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. They have been translated into over 50 languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide.

  • Facet 2: Speaker

    As a speaker, Shetty has given talks to audiences around the world. He has spoken at major events such as the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. His speeches are known for their inspiration and their ability to connect with people on a deep level.

  • Facet 3: Life coach

    As a life coach, Shetty helps people to achieve their personal and professional goals. He works with clients one-on-one and in groups, providing guidance and support. Shetty's life coaching is based on the principles of mindfulness and compassion.

Shetty's career as an author, speaker, and life coach has had a significant impact on the world. He has helped millions of people to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. His work is a testament to the power of love, compassion, and mindfulness.


Jay Shetty's wife, Radhi Devlukia-Shetty, is an important part of his life and work. She is a successful businesswoman and philanthropist, and she is also a dedicated wife and mother. Radhi is a source of support and inspiration for Jay, and she plays a vital role in his life.

Jay and Radhi met in 2014, and they were married in 2016. They have two children together. Radhi is a practicing Hindu, and Jay is a former monk. They respect each other's beliefs, and they have created a home that is filled with love and compassion.

Radhi is a successful businesswoman. She is the founder and CEO of a lifestyle brand called "Radhi Devlukia Lifestyle." She is also a philanthropist, and she is passionate about helping others. Radhi is a role model for many women, and she is an inspiration to Jay.

Jay and Radhi are a power couple. They are both successful in their own careers, and they are also dedicated to helping others. They are a shining example of what is possible when two people come together to support each other.


Jay Shetty's book, "Think Like a Monk," is a central part of his life and work. It is a practical guide to living a more meaningful and fulfilling life. The book is based on the principles that Shetty learned during his time as a monk. These principles include mindfulness, compassion, and purpose.

The book has been a huge success, selling millions of copies worldwide. It has been translated into over 50 languages. The book has been praised for its simplicity and practicality. It has helped millions of people to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

"Think Like a Monk" is an important part of Jay Shetty's biography. It is a reflection of his journey from monk to life coach. The book is a testament to the power of mindfulness, compassion, and purpose. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.


The fact that Jay Shetty has two children is a significant aspect of his biography. It provides insights into his personal life, values, and priorities.

  • Facet 1: Family Values

    Having two children indicates that Shetty values family and fatherhood. It suggests that he is committed to raising his children and providing them with a loving and supportive environment. This facet aligns with Shetty's overall message of love, compassion, and mindfulness.

  • Facet 2: Work-Life Balance

    As a successful author, speaker, and life coach, Shetty likely has a demanding career. However, having two children demonstrates that he is able to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This facet highlights Shetty's ability to prioritize his personal life and family relationships.

  • Facet 3: Personal Growth

    Raising children can be a transformative experience. It requires patience, empathy, and a willingness to learn and grow. The fact that Shetty has two children suggests that he is committed to his personal growth and development.

  • Facet 4: Legacy

    Having children is often seen as a way to leave a legacy. By having two children, Shetty is ensuring that his values and beliefs will be passed on to future generations.

Overall, the fact that Jay Shetty has two children is a significant aspect of his biography. It provides insights into his personal values, priorities, and commitment to family and personal growth.


The fact that Jay Shetty was born in London, England, is a significant aspect of his biography. It has shaped his identity, values, and career path in several ways.

  • Facet 1: Cultural Influences

    London is a vibrant and multicultural city. Shetty's exposure to different cultures and perspectives from a young age has contributed to his open-mindedness and his ability to connect with people from all walks of life. This facet is reflected in his work as a life coach and speaker, where he emphasizes the importance of embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity.

  • Facet 2: Education and Opportunities

    London is home to some of the world's leading educational institutions. Shetty's access to quality education has played a crucial role in his personal and professional development. This facet highlights the importance of investing in education and creating opportunities for young people to reach their full potential.

  • Facet 3: Global Perspective

    London is a global hub. Shetty's birthplace has given him a global perspective and an understanding of different cultures and worldviews. This facet is evident in his work, where he draws upon insights from various traditions and philosophies to offer practical guidance for living a meaningful life.

In conclusion, Jay Shetty's birthplace in London, England, has had a significant impact on his biography. It has shaped his cultural identity, provided him with educational opportunities, and given him a global perspective. These factors have contributed to his success as an author, speaker, and life coach, and they continue to influence his work and message.


Jay Shetty's education at Cass Business School in London is a significant aspect of his biography, shaping his professional development and contributing to his success as an author, speaker, and life coach.

  • Facet 1: Business Acumen

    Shetty's education in business provided him with a strong foundation in financial literacy, marketing, and management. This knowledge has been instrumental in his ability to establish and grow his own businesses, such as his life coaching practice and his lifestyle brand.

  • Facet 2: Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

    The rigorous academic environment at Cass Business School honed Shetty's analytical and problem-solving skills. These abilities have proven invaluable in his work as a life coach, where he helps clients identify and overcome challenges, and as an author, where he presents complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner.

  • Facet 3: Global Perspective

    Cass Business School's global reputation and diverse student body exposed Shetty to different cultures and worldviews. This has broadened his perspective and enabled him to connect with audiences from all walks of life, regardless of their background or beliefs.

  • Facet 4: Network and Connections

    The connections Shetty made during his time at Cass Business School have been instrumental in his career. He has maintained relationships with classmates, professors, and industry professionals, who have provided him with valuable opportunities for collaboration and growth.

In conclusion, Jay Shetty's education at Cass Business School in London has been a pivotal factor in his personal and professional journey. The business acumen, analytical skills, global perspective, and network he gained during his time there have laid the groundwork for his success as an author, speaker, and life coach.

Former Occupation

Jay Shetty's former occupation as a corporate consultant has played a significant role in shaping his current endeavors as an author, speaker, and life coach. His experiences in the corporate world have provided him with valuable insights, skills, and connections that have contributed to his success.

  • Facet 1: Business Acumen

    As a corporate consultant, Shetty gained a deep understanding of business operations, financial management, and strategic planning. This knowledge has been instrumental in his ability to establish and grow his own businesses, such as his life coaching practice and his lifestyle brand.

  • Facet 2: Communication and Presentation Skills

    In his role as a consultant, Shetty honed his communication and presentation skills, effectively conveying complex ideas to clients and stakeholders. These abilities have proven invaluable in his current work as a speaker and author, where he captivates audiences with his clear and engaging delivery.

  • Facet 3: Networking and Relationship-Building

    Shetty's time as a corporate consultant allowed him to build a vast network of professional connections. These relationships have been instrumental in his career, providing him with opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and business growth.

  • Facet 4: Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

    The problem-solving and decision-making skills Shetty developed during his consulting years have been essential in his transition to life coaching. He is able to effectively analyze situations, identify challenges, and guide clients towards practical solutions.

Overall, Jay Shetty's former occupation as a corporate consultant has been a valuable asset in his journey as an author, speaker, and life coach. The skills, knowledge, and connections he gained during that time have laid the foundation for his current success and continue to contribute to his positive impact on the lives of others.

Years as a Monk

Jay Shetty's three years as a monk have had a profound impact on his life and work. It was during this time that he developed the core principles and practices that he now shares with others through his books, speeches, and life coaching. These principles include mindfulness, compassion, and purpose.

  • Facet 1: Mindfulness

    As a monk, Shetty learned to practice mindfulness, which is the ability to be fully present and aware of the current moment. This practice has helped him to reduce stress and anxiety, and to live a more fulfilling life. He now teaches mindfulness to others through his books and workshops.

  • Facet 2: Compassion

    Shetty also learned the importance of compassion during his time as a monk. Compassion is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. This practice has helped him to build stronger relationships and to make a positive impact on the world. He now teaches compassion to others through his books and speeches.

  • Facet 3: Purpose

    Finally, Shetty learned the importance of purpose during his time as a monk. Purpose is the reason why we are here on this earth. This practice has helped him to find his own purpose in life, and to help others find theirs. He now teaches purpose to others through his books and workshops.

In conclusion, Jay Shetty's three years as a monk have had a profound impact on his life and work. The principles and practices that he learned during this time have helped him to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, and to make a positive impact on the world. He now shares these principles and practices with others through his books, speeches, and life coaching.

FAQs about Jay Shetty

This section addresses frequently asked questions about Jay Shetty, providing concise and informative answers.

Question 1: What is Jay Shetty's age?

Jay Shetty was born on September 6, 1987, making him 35 years old.

Question 2: What is Jay Shetty's profession?

Jay Shetty is a renowned author, life coach, and motivational speaker.

Question 3: Who is Jay Shetty's wife?

Jay Shetty's wife is Radhi Devlukia-Shetty.

Question 4: What is the title of Jay Shetty's popular book?

Jay Shetty's best-selling book is titled "Think Like a Monk."

Question 5: How many children does Jay Shetty have?

Jay Shetty has two children.

Question 6: Where was Jay Shetty born?

Jay Shetty was born in London, England.

These FAQs provide essential details about Jay Shetty's personal life and career, helping to shed light on his background and accomplishments.

Transition to the next article section:

Tips Inspired by Jay Shetty's Life and Work

Jay Shetty's teachings and experiences offer valuable insights for personal growth and fulfillment. Here are some key tips inspired by his work:

Tip 1: Practice Mindfulness
Incorporate mindfulness into daily life. Pay attention to the present moment without judgment, reducing stress and anxiety.Tip 2: Cultivate Compassion
Develop empathy and understanding for others. Extend kindness and support to those in need, fostering positive relationships and a sense of community.Tip 3: Find Your Purpose
Identify what truly drives and motivates you. Align your actions with your purpose to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.Tip 4: Embrace Gratitude
Practice gratitude for the positive aspects of life. Express appreciation for people, experiences, and opportunities, fostering a sense of contentment and happiness.Tip 5: Seek Continuous Learning
Never stop learning and growing. Engage in activities that broaden your knowledge, skills, and perspectives, allowing for personal and professional development.Tip 6: Prioritize Self-Care
Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that nourish your body and mind, reducing burnout and promoting overall health.Tip 7: Surround Yourself with Positivity
Choose to spend time with people who uplift and inspire you. Surround yourself with positivity to maintain a positive mindset and outlook on life.Tip 8: Cultivate Resilience
Develop the ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks. Embrace resilience to navigate life's obstacles with strength and perseverance.

By incorporating these tips into your life, you can cultivate mindfulness, compassion, purpose, and resilience. These principles, as exemplified by Jay Shetty's journey, can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Remember, personal growth is an ongoing process. Embrace these tips as tools to support your journey towards self-improvement and well-being.


Our exploration of "jay shetty biography age career wife book children" has illuminated various facets of his life and work. From his humble beginnings to his profound impact as a global thought leader, Jay Shetty's journey serves as a testament to the power of self-discovery, compassion, and purpose.

Shetty's teachings on mindfulness, gratitude, and resilience resonate with millions worldwide, inspiring them to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. His ability to connect with diverse audiences, regardless of background or belief, underscores the universality of human experiences and aspirations. As Shetty continues to share his insights and wisdom, his influence will undoubtedly continue to grow, empowering individuals and fostering positive change on a global scale.

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